When charged with the task of
bridging the gap to Fort de Roovere, now a recreational space located in
Halsteren, The Netherlands, RO&AD Architects pursued the idea of invisibility.
The result was the picturesque Moses Bridge – a promenade that is sunken into the
West Brabant Water Line that, from a distance, achieves virtual invisiblity.
The beautifully designed structure, however, raises a few questions that I
would like to solve; namely:
:Why a sunken bridge?:How does the design account for rising water levels and rainfall?
:How does the structure fare during the harsh winters of the Netherlands?

We now know that water cannot
flow over the top of the bridge element, but what about water from above? The
designers have taken into account the inevitable rainfall in the area with a practical
design solution. Each of the floor planks has an intentional gap between them
which allow rain water to permeate the walking surface (and also helps to
account for the shrinking and swelling of the material). Once the rainwater
finds its way to the space below the wooden surface, a sump pump expels the water
into the moat and the dam system takes hold to ensure that the bridge element
remains passable.
The harsh winters of the
Netherlands take quite a toll on the bridge. Heavy snowfall and temperatures
well below freezing often push the bridge past its limits and cause the bridge to
flood and become impassable during these months. The recreational area of the
fort, however, has little to no use during this time, so the bridge need not be
crossed. Come spring, the land thaws and the bridge once again becomes
operational thanks to accoya wood’s resistance to rot and the EPDM
waterproofing enabling the structure to handle the mass exposure to water.
Joo Kim, Sun, ed. "RO&AD Architects: How the Moses Bridge Works." Smart Planet. SmartPlanet, 29, Jan 2012. Web. 26 Sep 2012. <http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/design-architecture/ro-ad-architects-how-the-moses-bridge-works/3838>
:Pictures courtesy of RO&AD Architects and http://www.naturalhomes.com
:Pictures courtesy of RO&AD Architects and http://www.naturalhomes.com
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