
Urban Parasite

When we hear the word parasite we automatically think of a gross insect that sustains itself by drawing life from other human forms. However, Korktnie Stuhlmacher defined parasite quite differently. He applied the concept of a parasite to pre-existing buildings to create more space without the additional systems needed for the sustenance of the building. With this P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. project, he used infill or unused spaces of existing buildings and their water and heating systems to create more space. The parasite also adds a bit more color to the grungy Rotterdam factory.

The thought that this small dwelling was prefabricated and built in 4 four days is something wonderful to consider for urban areas that have speedy population growth and lack of space. These things could virtually go anywhere and can use the existing systems in the host building. My question is, why isn't there a boom of these parasite dwellings all around growing cities?

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