
Hoenheim Terminal, Strasbourg

201 Hoenheim Terminal, Strasbourg
Architect: Zaha Hadid

I chose to focus this week on the Hoenheim Terminal because I felt the project did not successfully unite the structure with the surrounding landscape.  The design of the terminal is an abstracted "S" shape with sharp edges.  The gesture was extended into the surrounding space through the use of white paint.  I think this was the least inspired way to continue the gesture and to unite the structure with the surrounding parking lot. 

The white stripe is only appeal and only reveals the true gesture when seen in plan.  The gesture does not have any positive impact from the pedestrian viewpoint.  To improve the pedestrian's experience on the site Hadid should have investigated the use of a different kind of paving.  Why not use a lighter permeable paver that would at least increase the permeability of the site than to paint a literal white stripe on the concrete.  The site is a giant cement pit, from the structure to the surrounding parking.  Another option would have been to integrate plant material to extend the gesture. 

It is important to design with the environment in mind.  The use of a giant slab of pavement is uninspired, but also is not an enjoyable human experience.  Both people and cars tend to migrate toward plants and large shade trees.  If trees were not an option responsible paving would have been a good alternative.  

The structure is interesting when standing alone. The attention to detail makes the space seem very unified.  The angle of the benches, lights, and even poles stabilizing the overhead concrete ceilings all use the same language.  The folding of the ceilings creates beautiful lines but more important protects the people from sun, rain, and wind.  Furthermore, the shapes of these elements create a unique language when light and shadows are introduced.  If the same consideration had been used for the surrounding parking lot this site would be a knockout.  

model looking at the relationship between the columns and the offset line of the ceiling

flattened model looking at the relationship between the columns and the line of the ceiling

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